Suitable for various Cereal Crops

  • Wheat

  • Barley

  • Oats

  • Flax / Linseed

Suitable for Grass seed

The stripper header has revolutionized harvest for many grass seed producers around the world. The strippers ability to comb lodged crops of ryegrass and fescue off the ground and strip the seed without taking much of the green stem into the combine increases harvesting efficiency by up to 50%. Because the combine no longer has to process so much foreign material the seed recovery rates generally improve.

Suitable for Hemp

Shelbourne stripper headers have been used globally for harvesting hemp leaves, flowers & buds for a number of years.  The action of the stripping rotor combs through the fibrous stalk removing the seeds, buds & leaves with little damage to the fragile crop and therefore maximizing the CBD oil content available.

  • A Traditional combine would not be suitable for harvesting hemp for oil production without considerable modification because of the fibrous nature of the crop where it has a tendency to wrap on exposed shafts etc. Also the harvested crop is delicate once harvested and the oil content will be effected by excessive handling.
  • A Forage harvester has been a successful method to both power the header and transfer the harvested crop into trailers. However the size of the header is restricted by the lift capacity and limited lifting height of the harvester.
  • An alternative method is to mount the header onto a tractor front end loader and operate the header hydraulically. Again the header size needs to be matched to the tractor along with the hydraulic flow rate. Customers have then fabricated a discharge conveyors to carry the harvested material to a trailer.





CVS - Variable Speed Drive System

Recommended for combines with fixed speed feeder drive system.

The CVS utilizes the proven variable speed belt drive system, rotor speed is adjusted hydraulically by the combine.

The speed of the rotor and the auger are displayed on the monitor in cab which includes an alarm system to aid the operator.


Heavy duty self tensioning variable speed belt
3 ramp posi-torque cam with high capacity spring
Hydraulically actuated speed adjustment
3 variable speed ranges **
fixed low maintenance rear pulley
In cab monitor & alarm system
** may vary with combine spec

CSD - High Torque Drive System (HTD)

The CSD models utilize the proven High Torque Drive system, the drive transmits maximum power to the stripping rotor via a high torque timing belt. The speeds can be adjusted by swapping a combination of 3 pulleys and tensioning the belt by adjusting the pivoting gearbox which maximizes the overall belt wrap. Its overall design is simple and requires minimal maintenance.

The speed of the rotor and the auger are displayed on the monitor in cab which includes an alarm system to aid the operator.


High torque timing belt
4 fixed speeds **
Speed range 400-800rpm **
3 pulleys 56t (10"), 64t (11.5") & 72t (13")
Sprung pivoting gearbox for belt tension
Minimal maintenance
In cab monitor & alarm system
** may vary with combine spec


1. Stripping Fingers

8 Rows of stripping fingers are arranged on the rearwards rotating rotor. They can be orientated either cups up (aggressive) or cups down (non-aggressive) depending upon the crop to be harvested. Hard threshing dryland wheat needs aggressive fingers whereas easy threshing soft wheat requires non aggressive fingers

2. CVS - Rotor Drive System

The CVS utilizes the proven variable speed belt drive system, rotor speed is adjusted hydraulically with the combine.

3. CSD - Rotor Drive System

The CSD Utilizes the proven High Torque Drive (HTD) System transmitting maximum power to the stripping rotor via a high torque timing belt. The speeds can be adjusted by swapping a combination of 3 pulleys and tensioning the belt by adjusting the pivoting gearbox which maximizes the overall belt wrap. Its overall design is simple and requires minimal maintenance.

4. Cab Monitor

The speed of the rotor and the auger are displayed and include an alarm system to aid the operator.

5. Adjustable Crop Deflector

This is adjusted up and down using the combines reel lift and lower control and is used to control the stripping rotor intake in different height crops

6. Top Hood

The top hood serves two purposes, firstly it seals the area above the auger to prevent any grain or dust escaping. The underside of the top hood acts as a deflector, taking the crops stream from the underside of the adjustable crop deflector and directing it into the bottom of the auger trough.

7. Auger

The auger operates at a fixed speed between 180rpm and 200rpm depending upon the combine output speed, it is driven via a mechanical slip clutch. The auger is fitted with specially shaped centre mounted spiral paddles, these feed the grain rearwards into the feederhouse from the header.

8. Adaptor Plate System

The CVS range incorporates a fixed adaptor plate system than can be used to adjust fore and aft header pitch. Adaptors are available for most modern combines.

CVS 32 3D View


    Need Some Advice? We are happy to help

    If you have questions or require advice about the C RANGE, or any of our other products, then contact us today.

    +44 (0) 1359 250415 Send enquiry


    CVS 121152mm 3'9"2260mm 7'5"3600mm 11'10"4036mm 13'3"1600kg 3530lbs
    CVS 161152mm 3'9"2260mm 7'5"4800mm 15'9"5236mm 17'2"1850kg 4080lbs
    CVS 201152mm 3'9"2260mm 7'5"6000mm 19'8"6436mm 21'2"2100kg 4630lbs
    CVS 241152mm 3'9"2260mm 7'5"7200mm 23'7"7636mm 25'1"2350kg 5580lbs
    CVS 281152mm 3'9"2260mm 7'5"8400mm 27'7"8836mm 29'2930kg 6460lbs
    CVS 321152mm 3'9"2260mm 7'5"9600mm 31'6"10036mm 32'11"3080kg 6790lbs
    CSD121152mm 3'9"2260mm 7'5"3600mm 11'10"4036mm 13'3"1600kg 3530lbs
    CSD161152mm 3'9"2260mm 7'5"4800mm 15'9"5236mm 17'2"1850kg 4080lbs
    CSD201152mm 3'9"2260mm 7'5"6000mm 19'8"6436mm 21'2"2100kg 4630lbs
    CSD241152mm 3'9"2260mm 7'5"7200mm 23'7"7636mm 25'1"2350kg 5580lbs
    CSD281152mm 3'9"2260mm 7'5"8400mm 27'7"8836mm 29'2930kg 6460lbs
    CSD321152mm 3'9"2260mm 7'5"9600mm 31'6"10036mm 32'11"3080kg 6790lbs

    Support & Guides

    Frequently Asked Questions

    The auger is fitted with a slip clutch, this can slip if an excessive amount of straw is picked up at too high a ground speed.

    The rotation of the rotor very successfully harvests crops lying on the ground because it has a picking up action.

    Not really, the stripper head works by a rotary mechanical action rather than air flow.

    No, the rotary action of the header is very gentle on the grain making the Shelbourne header popular with seed growers. The fact that most of the threshing is done in the header means that the threshing system of the combine can be slowed down to avoid grain damage, worst case scenario is over ripe soft wheat.

    With combine engine speed at idle, engage the header drive and then the combine separator, causing the combine separator and the header to engage at the same time, reducing the snatch in the header drive line.

    Please Click Here to download a document to explain an easy way to understanding your serial number. It is important to quote this number when ordering parts.


    The CVS and XCV range of headers are equipped with a variable speed belt drive system enabling the operator to adjust the rotor speed using a cab mounted switch. The RSD the pulleys are swapped to give a different ratio.

    You adjust the height of the crop deflector according to the height of the crop and then lower the whole header so that the crop gently brushes underneath the crop deflector.

    The up-wards rotation of the rotor tends to kick rocks out in front rather than picking them up.

    The rotating rotor mounted in the front of the header combs through the crop feeding the heads back into the keyhole area of the stripping finger where the grain is stripped from the head and thrown backwards into the header. The majority straw remains standing whilst the combine processes predominantly grain.

    There is enough foreign material such as leaf and straw to enable it to feed up into the combine.

    85% of the grain is threshed in the header, it will be necessary to set the combine a little differently in order to attain the normal 50 to 100% capacity increase associated with a Shelbourne header.

    The Stripper Header in Use: Real Life Case Studies

    Dave Wagers

    Woodrow, Colorado, USA

    For David Wagers, it just makes economic sense to use farming practices that stretch the meager rainfall eastern Colorado receives on an annual basis. The current seven years of drought the area...


    Darryl Corriher and Tom Hall

    North Carolina, USA

    Winter wheat as a cover crop for soybeans is a little different for North Carolina farmers Darryl Corriher and Tom Hall. Cover crops are just one of several factors that allow the North Carolina...


    Ed Getz

    Hoxie, Kansas, USA